Chowder Bowls, Hot Cider and Santa--Only at DECEMBER NIGHTS at the Fleet! | Join us at the Fleet to nosh on Galileo's Café holiday fare, pose with Santa, play in the exhibits and catch our delightful animated holiday show Let It Snow showing hourly. And don't forget--free museum admission from 5PM to 9PM! Balboa Park will be transformed into a holiday wonderland with sparkling lights, multicultural performances, jolly entertainment and food! More>> Friday, December 7 & Saturday, December 8 5:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. | Dave's Faves for Holiday Gifting at the North Star Science Store!
| Get a jump on your science geekitude shopping with our top sellers: the classic expanding Hoberman Sphere (a combination of geometry, engineering and beauty), a Nebula Ball (a blown-glass ball charged with plasma), a beautiful Medusa Jellyfish lamp (the perfect night light) or the high-tech Ultimate Geek Pen (with enough bells and whistles to make aficionados drool). And there's much, much more for you to discover yourself! More>> Now through December 24--and beyond! | Put Science Magic Into Your Kid's Life With the Fleet's Winter Camps!
| Keep your offspring far away from winter doldrums--let them join us for Winter Magic, Physics Fun, Tinkering Time, Grosssss!!! and Flying Objects! There's no better place to be than at the Fleet for fun days dedicated to hands-on science exploration for Grades 1-2 and 3-4. More>> December 27-28 and January 2-4 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. | The Perfect Match for the Fleet's School Scholarship Program
| Our board of trustees has put out a challenge and will match total contributions, up to $20,000 and given by December 31, 2012. The Fleet School Scholarship program helps students who otherwise could not participate in hands-on science learning at the Fleet. Will you help provide a life-changing science experience for local students? More>> Give now through December 31! | Be Naughty and Nice! Catch "GROSSOLOGY" Before It Departs January 1!
| Wouldn't your child, grandkids, nieces or nephews LOVE "GROSSOLOGY?" Let them scale a wall of blisters and zits and find out for themselves how the body produces mushy, oozy, crusty, scaly and stinky gunk--for only a few more weeks! More>> Open through January 1, 2013, ONLY! | It's NOT the End of the World as We Know It--Find Out Why From Our Maya Expert!
| Learn how misunderstood our beliefs about the Maya calendar really are from author & Maya expert Dr. Mark Van Stone speaking on "Science and Prophecy of the Ancient Maya;" watch Tales of the Maya Skies, and get ready to reboot the Baktun! Two chances: Senior Monday for ages 65+; and the following Monday for the rest of the curious world! More>> Monday, December 3; Noon lecture, show at 2PM Monday, December 10, show at 6PM, lecture immediately following | Sing Along With the Entire Family at Let It Snow, Through January 6 Only!
| The whole family will feel merry in this fun show, with delightful iconic animation and your favorite holiday songs from Frank Sinatra, Chuck Berry, Burl Ives, The Eurythmics, Brenda Lee and many more! More>> Now through January 6; 5PM weekdays, 11AM & 5PM Sat./Sun.; December Nights only, December 7 & 8: 5PM, 6PM, 7PM & 8PM | Membership Is the Perfect Gift!
| Membership is a great gift all year long--and especially for the holidays. Members receive a discount on many levels. Call the Membership Office at (619) 238-1233, ext. 713, or mail this gift form. You can also pick up a gift certificate at the Ticket Counter. Last-minute gifts our specialty! More>> | | | | Enter to Win
| Congratulations to Melissa Jacobson, winner of 4 tickets to "NANO--Imagine and Discover a World You Can't See!" This month, it could be YOUR turn to win! Discover how nonbinary algorithms and sexism collide by entering to win 4 tickets to Truth Values: One Girl's Romp Through M.I.T.'s Male Math Maze, a painfully funny show about one woman's struggle to navigate the elite boys club of higher mathematics, playing January 9-12 at 8PM at the Lyceum Theatre. To enter, please complete this form by December 15, 2012. | | |
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